Help Preserve and Protect your Parks and Open Spaces!
Fill out a new volunteer application form. Tell us about your interests in outreach, education, trail maintenance, and more. Our volunteer coordinator, Debbie Wyatt, will contact you promptly. Volunteer positions are described below.
Become an MPRPD Volunteer

Visitor Center Host
Love to volunteer? Have a desire to learn more about the Regional Park District? Want to share your favorite parks or trails with peers and the public? Then consider sharing your knowledge at our visitor centers.
Current Openings: Thursday - Sunday and holiday Mondays

Hike Guide
Know the best hikes in the parks? Share your knowledge of our region’s natural and cultural history while leading or assisting on a hike.

Outdoor Education Assistant
Life-long learner? Education assistants help connect people of all ages to our parks while helping facilitate Let’s Go Outdoors! programs and field trips.

Trail Monitors
Always out on the trails? Assist rangers by actively monitoring park use and trails.
About the Volunteer Program
For over 30 years dedicated volunteers have supported our parks by giving their time and support to help our education staff, rangers, and resource conservation staff.

Benefits: This is a wonderful opportunity to meet visitors while sharing your passion for our parks by protecting their natural and cultural resources. Volunteers receive in-depth training in natural history, cultural history, interpretative methods, and are provided access to continuing education opportunities. Share your interests with a like-minded community of volunteers and staff.
Volunteer Enrichment Events
We provide our volunteers with seven (7) enrichment events where we have local scientists and naturalists give special talks and field trips.
Volunteer Appreciation
We celebrate our volunteers each year at our annual volunteer appreciation luncheon.
Send questions to:
Debbie Wyatt, Volunteer Coordinator
(831) 372-3196 ext. 113
Monterey Peninsula Regional Park District
PO Box 223340, Carmel, CA 93922