Education & Outreach
The Environmental Education & Community Outreach (EECO) Division is dedicated to connecting the public with parks and open space by encouraging life-long learning and appreciation of the natural and cultural resources within our community through interpretive education, volunteer service, partnerships, and public outreach.

Check out our programs, volunteer efforts, and resources below:
Intepretive Education. Providing affordable and accessible experiential and educational programs that enhance the community’s awareness of the importance of preserving and protecting open space.
Inspiring people to develop conservation-minded ethics and action by modeling and mentoring sound environmental practices.
Volunteer Service. Connecting the community to parks and open spaces through meaningful and educational volunteer programs which instill the need to actively protect habitat and wildlife.
Partnerships. Creating opportunities for collaborations that promote and further enhance mutually beneficial relationships.
Public Outreach. Offering high quality programming and excellent services through a continual understanding of our constituents.
Maintaining positive and effective communication that reaches diverse audiences and builds relationships.