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NOTICE: We want to let you know that we understand that there have been some changes in Palo Corona Regional Park’s appearance. While we continue to work with local fire agencies and other experts to take great care in fuels management and maintain public safety, we have also begun shifting mowing operations to protect sensitive wildlife species that are known to occur at the Park. While mowing operations will continue at the Park throughout the summer, we are also working with federal wildlife agencies to develop a comprehensive plan that will allow us to resume regular management of grasses at the Park by spring of next year. Meanwhile, the District has developed a plan to address the issues associated with the recently constructed Multi-benefit Community Trail and looks forward to creating an improved trail network designed to enhance accessibility, wayfinding, and nature-based recreational opportunities at the Park. We are also in the process of updating our website to provide additional information on these projects and opportunities to engage and learn more and encourage you to sign up to receive notices for our monthly Board Agenda packets here and regular newsletter updates by visiting the District website.

Our Headquarters phone number is:

(831) 372-3196

Ranger-on-Duty, (831) 659-4488 x1

Our mailing address is:

PO Box 223340, Carmel CA 93922

For information about the individual parks, visit each park page.

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